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Why Did the Anthonys Pour a New Concrete Pad in their Backyard While Caylee Was Missing?

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Why Did the Anthonys Pour a New Concrete Pad in their Backyard While Caylee Was Missing? Empty Why Did the Anthonys Pour a New Concrete Pad in their Backyard While Caylee Was Missing?

Post by Julie Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:30 am

I found this article this morning and found it to be quite interesting:


Why Did the Anthonys Pour a New Concrete Pad in their Backyard While Caylee Was Missing?

Why Did the Anthonys Pour a New Concrete Pad in their Backyard While Caylee Was Missing?24


On July 24, 2008, the press questioned Cindy Anthony about the new concrete pad in their backyard which was poured three weeks earlier, about three weeks after Caylee Anthony was last seen.

Cindy Anthony would not address the concrete pad directly, but did speak about the police investigation of the Anthony backyard. Her comments may be found at the following link.,2933,390054,00.html

Cindy Anthony: “We do yard work around our house all the time and our yard has been completely looked at. I feel very confident. The sheriff’s office knows everything that we’ve done in that yard over the last year. We’ve disclosed everything. If they had any concerns, I would think they would have followed up on it already.”

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Why Did the Anthonys Pour a New Concrete Pad in their Backyard While Caylee Was Missing? Empty Re: Why Did the Anthonys Pour a New Concrete Pad in their Backyard While Caylee Was Missing?

Post by LottieM Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:09 am

That concrete pad was poured during the timeframe of when Cindy went Ballistic on July 3 and sent Lee looking for Casey.

George was asked what day they poured it and he gave that timeframe of June 30- July 4/5 or something, rather than be specific...also adding that it was NOT vacation time for Cindy but just a few days she took off because she could do that/take off a few days rather than a whole week. And she took off so they could do yardwork. He said they'd been planning it for a while.

Here's what I wonder about that concrete pad.....

I do believe it was poured for a reason other than just planned yardwork. I also don't think there's anything under it or LE would have dug it up. SO....

Perhaps they poured it when they did because they already had the bag of concrete mix and discovered it had been opened (by Casey?) and maybe Casey made a little anchor (like Scott Peterson did) to weigh Caylee down so her body wouldn't float to the top when the seasonal rains began. I mean Casey could have just made a blob of concrete, nothing elaborate.
So they might have not wanted the bag hanging around the house having been only slightly used when the cops showed up. So they just went ahead and poured the pad so no one would ever know Casey had used any.

I wonder if they found any such concrete where Caylee's remains were discovered?

Of course, this idea means George and/or Cindy knew Caylee was dead by then. But that's OK with me because I do think at least one of them knew.


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Why Did the Anthonys Pour a New Concrete Pad in their Backyard While Caylee Was Missing? Empty Re: Why Did the Anthonys Pour a New Concrete Pad in their Backyard While Caylee Was Missing?

Post by Julie Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:29 am

This one is pretty interesting too:

What Does the Duct Tape Mean to George Anthony?

George Anthony, father of accused murderess Casey Anthony, testified in a state deposition on August 5, 2009.

Mr. Anthony’s statements about his gas can and the duct tape he used to cover the can’s vent may be found at the following link.

Jeff Ashton: “So would it be fair to say that sometime between June 24th of 2008 and August 1st of 2008 that you cut your lawn?”

George Anthony: “Yeah. I probably did. I’m probably pretty positive I probably did. As far as maybe once or twice, I don’t know.”

Mr. Anthony is evasive. He appears to agree, but does not commit.

“Yeah” – This is not a “yes”. This is an evasion tactic so Mr. Anthony can appear to agree to forestall further questioning on the subject.

“I probably did” – Mr. Anthony may or may not have done so. He is non-committal.

“I’m probably pretty positive I probably did” – Mr. Anthony announces his extreme sensitivity to this subject with repetitions of “probably”, the word “pretty”, and the third evasion of the same question.

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